Agricom market an extensive range of forage cereal cultivars that offer farmers high quality grazing or silage options. Via an exclusive arrangement with Plant and Food Research, trial work and evaluation is conducted at sites nationwide to identify superior cultivars that will perform in a wide range of environments.
Barley whole crop cereal silage (WCCS) is a very user friendly WCCS crop available. It is a shorter crop with a high grain to straw ratio that can be sown between August and the start of November.
Oats are a low temperature germinating, fast growing cereal used for autumn sown winter green feed, and spring sown green chop silage. Oats are often seperated into early maturity types that have high yields (Milton) and late maturity types (Coronet) that often are stemmed and carry quality for longer.
Triticale whole crop cereal silage (WCCS) is a good way of producing large volumes of silage to replenish supplies for late autumn, winter and early spring use. Triticales are tall cereals developed from crossing wheat and ryecorn. They have high grain yield potential and generally require plant growth regulators (PGR) to reduce crop height and minimise lodging, the use of PGR's also lift the average ME by around 0.5.