

Legion perennial ryegrass logo
  • Heading Date Late (+13)
  • Ploidy Diploid
  • Suggested sowing rate (kg/ha) 18-20
  • Endophyte AR37, AR1, Low Endophyte
  • Rust Tolerance Very High
  • Outstanding summer, autumn and winter growth
  • Excellent density for periods of set stocking and winter grazing
  • Very low aftermath seeding and excellent summer leafiness
  • Very good tiller size and leaf length

Legion AR37 was bred solely from late heading perennial ryegrass plants that have been individually screened for persistence, rust tolerance and vigour in Canterbury, Manawatu, Waikato and Northland.






R2 in calf heifers grazing Legion perennial ryegrass, Relish red clover and Ecotain environmental plantain mix. Bankside, Canterbury

R2 in calf heifers grazing Legion perennial ryegrass, Relish red clover and Ecotain environmental plantain mix. Bankside, Canterbury

Performance Data

Legion AR37 can be used in general sheep and beef pastures having excellent density for periods of set stocking and winter grazing. It is also a high performance grass that is well suited to dairy pastures and runoffs. Legion has a good spring growth habit with low aftermath seeding in summer time helping with pasture quality into autumn. Legion is a leading variety in the national perennial ryegrass yield trials where it delivers strong growth in summer and winter, while maintaining good spring activity and is outstanding in the autumn. Legion is one of the recent generation of particularly strong perennial ryegrasses for autumn production.

Suggested Mixes


Legion’s strong autumn and winter activity helps with all grass wintering systems, while summer leafiness is a benefit to dairy pastures.

  Rate (kg/ha)
Legion# AR37, AR1 or LE perennial ryegrass* 20
Brace white clover 3
Attribute white clover 2

*It is not advisable to mix AR37 and AR1 varieties. AR1 is not recommended for areas where black beetle, porina or root aphid are common problem pests. Grass seed should be Superstrike® treated where Argentine stem weevil, black beetle or grass grub are a risk to seedlings. For more information on AR37 endophyte, visit ar37.co.nz. AR37 endophyte is not suitable for deer or horse pastures.

# Legion has been bred, selected and successfully tested as a perennial and will function as a perennial ryegrass. Due to a small number of tip awns Legion is certified as Lolium boucheanum.

Sheep and beef

Legion is ideal for sheep and beef farms due to its increased summer, autumn and winter growth, quality and persistence.

  Rate (kg/ha)
Legion# AR37, AR1 or LE perennial ryegrass* 18
Attribute white clover 3
Relish red clover 4
Ecotain® environmental plantain 1
Choice chicory 2


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