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  • Heading Date Early
  • Perenniality Perennial

Gala grazing brome is the equivalent of perennial ryegrass in the brome family. Gala is a versatile species for use on free-draining soils, in areas with summer-dry conditions. Compared with prairie grass, the dense, fine-tillered growth ensures persistence under harsher climatic and grazing conditions. Farms in the dry eastern regions benefit from the rapid autumn recovery, good winter and early-spring growth, and persistence under close grazing. 

  • Drought tolerant
  • Excellent grazing tolerance
  • Dense tiller growth
  • Rapid autumn recovery
  • Ideally suited to light soils
Gala product image

Sowing & Establishment

For optimum establishment, Gala grazing brome should be sown at no less than 25 kg/ha, at a depth of 5-15mm, into free draining soils above 10oC. Where possible, cross-drilling and rolling will promote greater ground cover. It is ideally mixed with other dryland species, particularly sub clover.

Gala grazing brome is tolerant of moderate grass grub and Argentine stem weevil feeding, but does not perform well in wet, heavy soils.

Gala grazing brome is a short plant, and production potential is maximised when the pasture is regularly grazed, as when left it rarely grows above 15cm. The endophyte free status ensures safe summer and early-autumn grazing. Gala grazing brome should not be taken for supplementary feed.

  • Sowing Rate 25-30

Performance Data

Valuable Production after Summer Dry. Seasonal Production of Dryland Brome Cultivars (kg DM/ha) (mean of 3 years), NFVT Canterbury, Sown 1998-2001.

Cultivar WInter Spring Summer Autumn Total
 Gala 1900 4434 4373 4032 14739
Bareno 1598 4887 4522 3482 14489
LSD 382 571 514 477 1482
Trial Mean 1782 4718 4471 3561 14533

Suggested Mixes

Cultivar Rate (kg/ha)
Gala grazing brome 25-30
Nomad white clover 3
Goulburn subterranean clover 6
Ecotain/Agritonic plantain  

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